Category Description
This category captures time the respondent spends in private activities. This includes general or other personal care (0101), imputed personal or household care (0102), sleeping (0103), imputed sleep (0104), naps and rest (0105), washing, dressing, or personal care (0106), personal medical care (0107), meals at work (0108), and other meals and snacks (0109). Respondents are not asked WHO they were with when they were for sleeping, grooming, and during personal (sexual) activities as such information is sensitive for these activities.
Category Description
This category captures general or other type of personal care activities, usually of private nature.
Activity Coding Rules
1965-66: For this year, this category includes private activities or those that are not ascertained, especially at home.
1975-76: This includes time that is categorized under personal, private, or "none of your business," time in sexual activities, as well as other types of personal care.
1985: All activities under personal, private, or "none of your business," sexual activities, and time in affection between household members such as giving or getting hugs and kisses are coded as general or other personal care. This category also captures some child only time such as being at the babysitters' before or after school, or when the child is being a passive recipient of personal care, as well as when the respondent is watching personal care activities.
1992-94: This category captures time that is under personal needs/care, but is of private nature, so it was originally tagged as "Not applicable" unlike other identified personal care activities such as washing, grooming or sleeping.
1994-95: The category captures time that is identified as general personal care without further mention.
1998-01: Time gaps of more than 10 minutes, personal/private or "none of your business" type activities, sexual activities, time in affection between household members such as kisses and hugs, sitting on laps, time receiving personal care as well as other personal activities are captured in this category for this period.
2003+: This period comprises of personal or private activities such as cuddling with partner, having sex, and making out, personal care emergencies that are not classified elsewhere, as well as time when the respondent refused to provide information or responded "none of your business."
2007+: This period comprises of giving spouse a massage as a category example as well.
Category examples
Cuddling partner in bed
Having sex
Making out
Personal activity, unspecified
Private activity, unspecified
Using the bathroom (2003)
Category Description
Imputed personal care captures gaps following main night sleep where the next activities lead up to leaving the house, and also activities where a person has been away from home, then has the gap immediately upon arriving home, before undertaking other activities. Typically, these gaps are short duration activities. In 1975-76, those imputed personal care gaps preceded by travel tend to be followed either by sleep or travel.
0103 SLEEP
Category Description
This category captures time in sleep which is defined differently in certain years.
Activity Coding Rules
1965-66, 1975-76: For these years, this category includes main essential sleep which includes night sleep and daytime sleep.
1985: All time under night sleep or the longest sleep for the day which may occur during the day for a night shift worker including "in bed" but not asleep.
1992-94, 1994-95: This category captures time spent in both sleeping and napping.
1998-01: Time spent sleeping, napping, as well as resting is captured in this category.
2003+: For this period, the sleep category includes time in activities such as dozing, napping, dreaming, essential sleep, waking up as well as sleeplessness.
Category examples
Cat napping
Dozing off
Falling asleep
Getting some shut-eye , getting up
Waking up
Counting sheep
Lying awake
Tossing and turning
Category Description
Imputed sleep is defined as early hours time at home or another home where the activities before or after the block include personal care activities associated with getting up or preparing for bed and where little other sleep is recorded in the diary.
Category Description
This category captures time spent taking naps or resting.
Activity Coding Rules
1965-66: For these years, this category includes time spent resting which includes relaxing, thinking, planning, or doing nothing.
1975-76: Time coded under "naps and resting" is captured in this category.
1985: This includes time spent taking naps and resting including rest periods, dozing or lying down.
1992-94, 1994-95: Nap time not available for these years.
1998-01: The 1998-99 survey did not separately code naps and rest from sleep, whereas the 1999-01 survey of parents did separately code naps and sleep.
2003+: For this period, this category includes time under sleeping that is not elsewhere classified. -
Category Description
This category includes time that the respondent spent washing, dressing or in personal care. Usually this involves time bathing, brushing hair, grooming, laying clothes out, washing, etc.
Activity Coding Rules
1965-66: This includes time in personal washing and dressing such as getting up, personal hygiene, and getting ready for bed.
1975-76: Time coded under "washing, dressing, and getting ready" is captured in this category.
1985: This includes time spent washing, showering bathing as well as getting dressed, getting ready, packing and unpacking clothes, personal hygiene and going to the bathroom.
1992-94, 1994-95: Washing, bathing, personal hygiene and dressing are included in this category.
1998-01: Time spent showering and bathing is included in this category.
2003+: For this period, this category includes time spent in washing, dressing, and grooming activities. The 2004+ time period also captures time using the bathroom. The 2005-2006 periods also includes unpaid haircuts from spouse/friends.
Category examples
Blow-drying hair
Brushing hair
Brushing lint off clothing
Brushing teeth
Changing clothes
Cleaning contact lenses, ears
Combing hair, cutting own hair
Doing/filing nails
Doing own hair
Flossing teeth
Gargling mouthwash
Getting dressed/ undressed
Laying clothes out
Perming own hair
Putting in contact lenses
Putting on hand cream
Putting on makeup, nail polish, night cream
Putting on pajamas, shoes
Removing curlers
Running bath
Shaving, shaving legs
Washing face, feet, hair, hands
Category Description
This category includes time in health related self-care, usually at home.
Activity Coding Rules
2003+: This period also includes time in personal emergencies. The category examples are as follows.
2004+: Time spent exercising or in therapy for medical reasons is also captured in this period.
Category examples
Applying ointment
Bandaging ankle
Changing oxygen
Doing childbirth exercises
Doing stress management exercises
Dressing a wound
Gargling for sore throat
Giving oneself a shot, oneself an injection
Meditating (not religious)
Putting ice on injury
Resting because of illness
Resting because of injury
Taking cough drops, insulin, medicine, vitamins
Testing blood sugar level
Being involved in a personal accident
Being involved in an accident requiring emergency care
Losing consciousness
Stanching blood flow
Waiting for ambulance
Category Description
This category captures time that the respondent eats meals while at work.
Activity Coding Rules
1985: This includes time spent eating, smoking and drinking coffee as a secondary activity while working as well as lunch time at the workplace. This comprises of time at the cafeteria lunchroom when the location is at work.
1992-94: Meals at work time could not be constructed.
1994-95: Meal time that occurs when the respondent is at work (using the WHERE record) is captured in this category.
1998-01: This captures both meals and snack time at work.
2003+: For this period, this category includes time eating and drinking as part of the job.
Category examples
Eating/drinking with bosses
Eating/drinking with clients
Eating/drinking with coworkers
Eating/drinking with customers
Having lunch/dinner with clients
Category Description
This captures meals and snack time, not part of the job.
Activity Coding Rules
1965-66, 1975-76: This captures meals and snacks at home or at a restaurant/away from workplace.
1985: This includes time spent on meals at home; including drinking coffee, smoking, and food from a restaurant eaten at home. Meals away from home or eaten at a friend's home or at a restaurant are also included in this category.
1992-94: All eating time for the respondent is included in this category. Note that this comprises of meals at the workplace too.
1994-95: Other meals and snacks, not at a restaurant, are captured for this year.
1998-01: This captures general eating activities for the respondent.
2003+: For this period, this category includes time eating and drinking in general. This includes waiting time associated with meals.
2004-2007: This includes time attending as well as waiting for eating and drinking at a Passover Seder (if the location is at a restaurant).
2005+: This period includes time on lunch break at a restaurant.
Category examples
Waiting for a table
Waiting for food to be delivered
Waiting for the check
Waiting for the pizza delivery person
Waiting to place an order