Technical Support

We welcome suggestions and feedback about errors, inconsistencies, or ambiguities in the data and documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about IPUMS AHTUS? See our FAQ.

View our frequently asked questions

Video Tutorials

If you are having trouble with the AHTUS-X extraction or online analysis system, please see our brief tutorials for an introduction to our website (based on ATUS-X):

Video Tutorials

Questions and Answers

For specific questions about the data or website, please search for an answer on our user forum. You can also ask a question there, which one of our staff members or a fellow user will answer.

User Forum

User Feedback / Errors

We also welcome suggestions and feedback about errors, inconsistencies, or ambiguities in the data and documentation. If you discover a significant error, we will happily send you a complimentary IPUMS mug. Please send feedback to

Tell us how you used AHTUS-X

We request that users tell us about any publications, research reports, or educational materials they have created using the AHTUS data or documentation. In the future, we will create a bibliography containing references to publications, presentations, and works in progress that use AHTUS-X data. We welcome information (including author, title, date, and other standard citation material, such as journal name and volume) about books, educational materials, or papers to satisfy a course requirement that draw upon AHTUS data or documentation. Thanks for your help!